State and local governments that help you succeed
Both Cherokee County and the State of Kansas are proud of the reputation we’ve earned for treating the corporate community well. We recognize that economically healthy communities begin with healthy employers, so we approach businesses as our partners. In turn, they benefit from very low taxes, streamlined regulations, and the low cost of doing business that comes with our being a right-to-work state.
In addition, our area has been politically stable for a long time, which gives local employers the confidence to make long-term investments in their operations here. We support those efforts and relocations to our area through a wide range of generous state and local incentives.
After all, we know that when your business succeeds in Cherokee County, our residents benefit, too — and that our economic health encourages companies like yours to make additional investments in our local economy.
Cherokee County E-Community Loan Application
Cherokee County Neighborhood Revitalization Plan Application